News Hourra Manager Football Online
v2.13.5 - Changelog
* U17 Team page : added the number of days to wait before seeing the complete profile.
* Game statistics : it's now possible to see the real statistics for each player by clicking on the "See the raw data" button.
* Player history : it's now possible to see the average number of passes, controls, dribbles, etc. successfully made per game. This is displayed by clicking on the "See averages per game" button.
* Chat / Messages : added an icon to identify the game's tutors.
v2.13.4 - Changelog
* U17 detection system updated
Good S38 to all managers !
Scheduled for next season
Starting next season, the U17 detection system will be updated :
- The list of players will be refreshed every 4 hours at the most.
- The number of available players will be calculated differently : 10 + the sum of the licences (1, 3 or 5) of the current sessions.
v2.13.3 - Changelog
* Improve loading of the championship pages : league table, calendar, players statistics
* Added an indicator on page U17 player specifying the number of days to wait before seeing the complete profile
* Added Tutors page : a list of volunteer managers to help new members (see help section)
v2.13.2 - Changelog
* Graphical update : better display of notifications
* Graphical update : better display of player international history
* Notifications update : added new notifications for national team elections (at the end of the season)
* Messages update : added new messages to warn the manager of players at the end of their contract
* Merchandising update : it's possible to export data from the statistics pages
* Financial update : the incomes and expenses are a little more detailed (tournaments, construction)
v2.13.1 - Changelog
* Graphical update : better display of club history.
* Graphical update : added Nation League trophy to manager page.
* Graphical update : added the manager's reputation in the FIHF ranking of clubs.
* Update : The calculation of the player's value takes into account the player's progress curve.
v2.13 - Changelog
* New U17 Detection system
* Infirmary costs updates : prices to heal players have been reduced
Server maintenance
June 13th will be the start of the new season. On this occasion there will be a server maintenance and the access to the site will be unavailable between 10am and 12pm (French time).
This in order to set up the new detection system. The last detections with the current system can take place until Friday 12th.
Scheduled for next season
Starting next season, we are planning a new system for U17 detections :
- Instead of each manager having his own list, the list of available players will be common to all managers in a country.
- The list of players will be refreshed every 24 hours at the most.
- The price to access this list will be lower than the current price. But the duration of access will be limited to 4 hours.
- The skills of the players will not be directly visible, only a few indicators will be displayed.
- A player may have several contract offers and choose his club.
- The full display of the player's skills will not be available immediately after signing.
EN :
As you can see, managers who usually connect via Facebook are currently experiencing a problem. Indeed Facebook services have been removed today.
Unfortunately from today we are no longer able to offer you this option to connect to the site.
To reconnect, you need to use the link - Forgot your password? - link available on the home page of the site. The email corresponds to the email of your Facebook account with which you registered.
In case of problem, contact us via our Facebook page which remains accessible.
Our apologies
Comme vous avez pu le constater, les managers qui se connectent habituellement via Facebook rencontrent actuellement un problème. En effet les services Facebook nous ont été supprimés aujoud'hui.
Malheureusement à partir de ce jour nous ne sommes plus en mesure de vous proposer cette option pour vous connecter au site.
Pour vous reconnecter, il vous faut utiliser le lien - Mot de passe oublié ? - disponible sur la page d'accueil du site. L'email correspond à l'email de votre compte Facebook avec lequel vous vous êtes inscrit.
En cas de problème, contactez-nous via notre page Facebook qui reste accessible.
Toutes nos excuses

HMFO is a free game in which you take on the role of a football club manager.
In your daily management you can plan trainings, prepare tactics, negotiate transfers, find young talent, develop your stadium and much more.
Watch your team's games in 2D, and even those of your opponents to analyse their tactics and find their weak points. Friendly matches and tournaments are possible at any time.
One goal for you as a manager, to take your team to the top of world football !